Tag: roots

  • Wednesday Words – Seed Growth

    I feel emptied and hollow like a seed that has softened and died, all its potential growth poured out into new growth, a new beginning; the thing is, I’m not sure where my new growth is… Can a seed see where its new growth is? No, not in the soil. It’s blind and has to […]

  • Communication – 13

    Back to my roots for inspiration – reading & dancing – activities I have neglected, is that one of the reason my creativity is at an all time low? I need to feed my inner muse, I need to nurture the creativity inside, I cannot run on empty © Freya Pickard 2013

  • Seed – 3

    But far below the surface roots spread out and new shoots, tiny pale things grow up towards the warmth and sunlight. Roots establish and feed, shoots worship the sun… © Freya Pickard 2012