• Tuning Out

    Do you listen to music? What kind of music do you listen to? Do you prefer sampling or listening to full albums? Personally, I enjoy listening to an album from beginning to end. But, I also enjoy putting together playlists to go with my books, and this involves listening to a lot of different sorts […]

  • Ghost Wolf

    Ghost Wolf has been launched! As she bent to pick up the cauldron of water, Tari was overcome with the sense that something close by was staring at her. Leaving the pot on the ground, she turned to look behind her. On the opposite side of the stream stood a wolf. Tari opened her mouth […]

  • Unconventional

    Today I’m saying Thank You to D Wallace Peach for her beautifully written and positive review of my short story collection, The Rusalka Ritual & Other Stories. I read this collection of five fantasy short stories in about an hour. The tales are a bit unconventional, but they’re told with some beautiful descriptive passages, and […]

  • Unique creations

    Poetry Postcards are unique creations conceived and brought to fruition by me. Each postcard is different. Each one contains a haiku specifically written for it. Each image is either a photograph or an illustration, (watercolour, pastel, sketch) that I have created. These poetry postcards are only available on Patreon. Choose a tier that mentions Poetry […]

  • Running from a ghost

    They’re running from a ghost and have no idea where they’re running to … Who is running away? And why are they running? Meet Tari and Erl, separated from their companions and lost in a dense, dark pine forest. Trying to find their way back to Port Haru no Hana, they are constantly driven in […]