Creative delight !

The Song of the Checkered Court by Chris R Sendrowski 5/5

This is dark fantasy at its best and it is certainly not for the squeamish. This book (2 of 3) deals with Clane’s struggles to find his own identity. He finds it hard not to serve, as that is what he has been bred for. And, as his hitherto unexplored powers grow, he has to adjust to a new outlook on life.  Read my full review HERE.

Vampire of the Midnight Sun by Priscilla Bettis

Two tales of contrasts. This volume contains 2 short stories; Vampire of the Midnight Sun and The Fire Witch and The Cowboy. Both are examples of excellent story telling and writing. Both tales contain lovely imagery with a narrative style that flows and keeps the reader engaged. Vampire is set in Alaska in the relatively cool summer and explores what one would do in order to survive. Fire Witch is a revenge tale (almost Weird West!) with vivid symbology from beginning to end, and, in contrast to Vampire, is set in an extremely hot environment!

Dominature: What if the Devil … by Joe Belcastro 4/5

An epic, long read in the Speculative Fiction Genre. This is not a re-writing of the Bible. This is an epic tale based on a “What If”. If Dan Brown’s brain was on steroids, this is the kind of novel he’d write. A huge cast of characters, several planes of existence and thousands of years of history are the backdrop to this intriguing, un-put-downable story. (Christian realists may find some of this story hard to stomach, but if you understand what Speculative means, you’ll enjoy it, whatever your religious persuasion!)

Tales of the Hasidim by Martin Buber 5/5

Fascinating and enlightening. I read this book because it was mentioned in a Leonard Cohen biography. In reading it, I discovered that I can understand more of the Bible as a result! Whether you’re a Jew or a Christian, or have no beliefs at all, this book will entertain and educate. The Tales consist of a mixture of homilies, folk tales and expounding of Scripture. A delightful read and one that I will return to again.

Blood Magic by Aspasia Bissas 5/5

This short story is tense and tightly written. Mara and Lee are on the run, and whilst Lee takes a rest, Mara’s instincts to protect are rewarded. But the woman she helps, turns out to be not entirely human after all…!

Tooth & Claw by Aspasia Bissas 5/5

Neatly told short story giving part of Mara’s history. Beautifully written and a satisfying read. If you’ve not yet read Love Lies Bleeding, read this first to give you some background into Mara’s life. This is Vampirism with a difference; this vampire is vulnerable!

The Moss Dragon of Brittlekeep by Ashley Capes 5/5

Capes is a versatile author, writing for all ages in his fantasy sagas. A beautifully written fantasy tale about a young girl Penny, who discovers her heritage in a dangerous world. This is a stand alone novel that deals with heritage, bravery and good defeating evil. Definitely a re-reader Suitable for Young Adults.

The Wounded Thorn by Fay Sampson 4/5

A not so cosy murder mystery! Hilary and Veronica are on holiday in Glastonbury when a series of dire events entangles them in its grasp. Beautifully drawn characters provide an intriguing and insightful story in one of the sacred places of Britain. I really enjoyed reading about older women for a change too! Suitable for murder mystery fans and Christian intrigue readers. 

Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think? If not, do you think you might buy any of them now?!

More of my book reviews can be found at:

I am no longer able to use Bookbub and they no longer allow non-US readers/authors to post reviews or list books. I’m sorry if my reviews have disappeared from Bookbub, but they simply won’t allow me to use their site any longer.

Responses to “Creative delight !”

  1. Priscilla Bettis Avatar

    I’m honored that my vampire (and witch) book is included among all these wonderful books. Thank you! Great reviews, Freya!

    1. dragonscaleclippings Avatar

      I enjoyed your stories so much and love how they contrast with each other!

  2. robertawrites235681907 Avatar

    A lovely selection of book reviews. I also enjoyed this book of Priscilla’s and her other two ‘horror’ books.

    1. dragonscaleclippings Avatar

      Thank you, Robbie! Priscilla’s writing is something different, isn’t it?!

      1. robertawrites235681907 Avatar

        Yes, I enjoy her writing a great deal. She doesn’t seem to be writing horror anymore.

        1. dragonscaleclippings Avatar

          No, but I can’t wait to read what she does write next!!!!!

          1. robertawrites235681907 Avatar


  3. thomasstigwikman Avatar

    They all sound like great books. It is a very good summary of books. I’ve read Vampire of the Midnight Sun by Priscilla Bettis and I loved this vampire story because it was different, felt more real than other vampire story and had lovely imagery, like you say. I am sorry to hear you can’t post on Bookbub anymore. I don’t understand how restricting it to US-only would help their site.

    1. dragonscaleclippings Avatar

      I’m glad you enjoyed Vampire of the Midnight Sun too! It’s so hard to find books these days that are “different” and “unique”, isn’t it? Re Bookbub, I really don’t understand why they’ve changed their policy!

      1. thomasstigwikman Avatar

        It’s hard to know but I read that they have a Bookbub international that includes US, UK, Canada, and Australia (but no other countries).

        1. dragonscaleclippings Avatar

          They used to allow UK writers on their site but now alas no longer. Such a shame because their presentation was so much easier on the eye than Goodreads!

          1. thomasstigwikman Avatar

            Yes that is a bummer

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