Melodic Meanderings

I usually produce a post with lots of mini reviews of books I have enjoyed reading over the last few months. However, this year, due to moving house and starting up a new business, I have not had time to read anything. Shocking, I know, but I no longer have any time to myself. I’m hoping to get lots of reading done over the winter, but there is still a lot to do on the business in the quiet season. So, this time, I’m reviewing Dwell, a cd that really helped me through a very difficult summer.
Memorable melodies and lingering lyrics. This cd was the perfect gift at a very difficult time. Being able to listen to it, albeit in small snatches, allowed me to stay sane in an extremely stressful time.

Not since I discovered the music of Iona in the 1990s, has a cd had such a profound effect on me. Hearing it gives me goosebumps. I find it both relaxing and challenging. When I first listened to it, I felt like a dry sponge soaking up cold, refreshing water.
Dwell speaks to me on many levels; mental, spiritual and emotional, and it allowed me to relax physically. I find myself drawn in particular to tracks 2 & 9. Track 2, Dwell, is incredibly reassuring and up-lifting. Track 9, Come O Spirit of God, is challenging, inspiring and strengthening. These two tracks have lyrics that have stuck in my memory and I find myself singing them as I go about my daily business.
Buy this cd for yourself and experience Julie Palmer’s enchanting voice, the haunting and inspiring harmonies, as well as the encouragement of the bible verses spoken over the music.
You can buy the album at Dwell.
© Freya Pickard 2017
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Responses to “Melodic Meanderings”

  1. […] (Dragonscale Clippings Blog) […]

  2. Libby Avatar

    Never heard of this, or Iona! Going to check them out.

    1. dragonscaleclippings Avatar

      If you like celtic meditative music I think you’ll enjoy it! I never get tired of it!

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